I am Shaik Milad, a passionate web developer.
I consider myself a responsible and orderly person. I do not allow myself to fail at something no matter the task, which allows me to reach my goal. I enjoy using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to bring designs to life and make them work smoothly for everyone.
Developed a chatbot with sentiment analysis capabilities.
Created an e-commerce product page website.
Java Foundation, Fundamentals, and Programming
JavaScript, SQL (Basic)
Generative AI, in collaboration with IIT Bhubaneswar
Participation Certificate on IoT
Courses from IIT
Certified in DBMS
Time Management, Node.js
Phone: 6300678497
Email: shaikmeeladh@gmail.com
Address: 6-71/2, Main road, Near Ramalayam, Dondapudi, 534318